Support double question marks '?' as wildcard

Can you add option to allow double question marks ‘??’ as a wildcard? In the manual it says the ‘?’ wildcard match exactly one byte, but I’m too used to have ‘??’ in my pattern like “2D E9 F0 4F ?? F5 ?? 7D ?? ?? 88 46 ?? ?? 81 46 ?? 44”. It’s a pain to replace with ‘?’ manually in order to search with 010 editor. ‘??’ is universal across other tools and sources, while only 010 editor only supported ‘?’

Yes, we’ve had a few requests for supporting ?? for wildcards and we will be adding this in, hopefully in our next version.

SweetScape Software

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today v14.0.1 release but still not have ?? for wildcards mostly needed.Any progress ?

We are hoping to have that feature in v15.0. The minor releases like v14.0.1 we mostly keep to bug fixes and new features are in major releases. v15 is coming along well and hopefully only a few months away. Cheers!

SweetScape Software

Using ‘??’ for hex wildcards is now supported in 010 Editor v15 beta:


SweetScape Software