Search and Copy to .txt

Hey there,

is there any solution to Automatic search for a value and copy that into a other txt File.
I know how to find the value i need, and can create a batchfile to generate a decimalvalue out of it. But i need a Script that start every minute or so to read a value out of a ttp file and copy that to the batchfile. After that the batchfile generate a new File with the decimalvalue. And this File is for a Streamerbot to Show kill/death in the overlay…

If there are any questions about my Problem, i try to figure IT Out.

Thanks for helping

Reads to me as if your thinking the Long way around.
You can Script for everything you want and have a simple Window .bat file launch 010 with no UI.

The bat file runs on a loop for timing.

First of all, I’m basically concerned about whether the whole thing would work. Unfortunately, I know absolutely nothing about the program, and I asked in other forums a few days ago, but you’re the first to answer, so thanks in advance.

Do you mean that I should create the scripts in the program and then run the bat from QUS Windows?

Hehe, a big undertaking for 2 figures, I know.

There are a few different ways to do this. One way to do this is to have a script that is always running in 010 Editor and use the Sleep function to pause, for example ‘Sleep(60000);’ would wait for 60 seconds. Then you could use functions like ‘FileOpen’, ‘FindAll’ and then ‘FileClose’ to process the file in a loop.

Another method is to create a Windows batch file and then set the batch file to run every minute. This would be done through Windows task scheduling (press Win+R on your keyboard and then run ‘taskschd.msc’). You may even be able to do all the processing in a batch file without using 010 Editor by using the ‘find’ or ‘findstr’ commands. If there is complex processing you need to do that batch files cannot handle, then you can create an 010 Editor script and run it with ‘010editor -script:MyScriptl.1sc -noui’.

Let us know if you have any questions on this. Cheers!

SweetScape Software

Thanks for your Help, the Most Problems i have, is to figure Out how i let the batch File search in a Line and column for the value i need.
It roasted my brain.
It should be Work Like that, search for the entry in Line 05c0 and column D,E for expample there is a entry E217… After the batch find it, the value should be copied to a Line which Format it Into decimal and maybe Copy that one to another File where only this number is saved.

This Loop Thing isnt that hard to realise but the first is a really hard Thing for me…

I believe this can be done in a batch file but it’s not easy to create. As a tip, have you ever tried to use ChatGPT or a similar AI to create a batch file? AI is getting quite good at writing things like batch files if you tell it what you want. ChatGPT or a similar AI should be free but you may have to sign up for a free account.

If you do want to try using an 010 Editor script you could use the TextReadLine with line 0x05c0 to read the line you want. Cheers!

SweetScape Software