[FR] Ability to open all process' memory heaps that aren't marked as NoAcess

I have a process that has hundred of heap sections listed when attaching 010 Editor. Obviously there is no point for me to open NoAccess ones but selecting them manually EACH time is madness.
Can we have a checkbox that handles this for us? Like “Skip NoAcess segments”

010 Editor automatically skips any ‘No access’ or ‘Unallocated’ heaps when loading processes. They are listed in the Open Process dialog, but when you open the process they are skipped. There is a ‘Process’ tab at the bottom of the application (use Alt+3 to toggle) and that tab lists all the heaps that were loaded. In the ‘Open Process’ dialog if you click on ‘Options’ there are more options to control which heaps are loaded. Let us know if you have trouble getting it to work.

SweetScape Software

This does not appear to be the case because I’m often getting read errors that abort my operations

If you are seeing read errors it is probably because the process has changed since it was opened, especially if you are using Find All to scan the whole process. Honestly, 010 Editor does not deal well with a process that is changing rapidly and we hope to improve this in future versions. If you really want to investigate processes that are actively changing then you may be better off trying to find a tool that is specifically designed for that case.

SweetScape Software