Find type and position checksum of Flash SPI ROM

Hello everyone.
I’ll start by saying that I’m not very experienced with hex editing but I have this need:
as subject I wanted to know if with this fantastic application I could find the type and position of the checksum of a Flash SPI ROM of hard disks.

Thanks in advance for any tip or advise

If I understand correctly, Flash SPI ROMs can contain data in a number of different formats and you would have to determine what format the data is in. You could try running the template in 010 Editor on the data and see if it can detect what data is there, but it could be in other formats as well. If you post a screenshot of the first section of the file we may be able to tell what format the data is in, but if you don’t want to publicly post the data you could even try using AI to identify the format and where the checksum is.

SweetScape Software

Thank you for your reply Graeme and help.
Attached is the screenshot with the first 495bytes.

I can attach the whole file if this would be helpful in creating a template.
I tried the template but it was no help.

I tried with AI but only by asking questions not with attachments. I hadn’t thought of that.
Let me know if you need the whole

bin file.

So far we have been enable to determine what format this data is in. It’s obviously something from Toshiba but we have not been able to find exactly what format is used for the data. Maybe someone reading this knows more about Toshiba data? Sorry we couldn’t be of more help.

SweetScape Software

No problem Graeme it’s a NOR SPI Flash ROM from a Toshiba hard disk.
I’ll use AI to parse the TXT file which I will attach.

Thanks anyway