Bug in select range feature

How to reproduce the bug:
1- open the png image file from the attachment with 010 Editor
2- run the png template
3- show template results
4- expand chunk[1]
5- select type
6- click ctrl+shift+A
7- change the method to start + end address
8- copy the start position for the type in chunk[1]
9- click on the data[4] (the name below type) and paste the start position you copied earlier in the start value
10- click enter and both type and data[4] will be selected (the expected correct behavior)
11- now close the 010 Editor
try to repeat steps 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
now in step number 10 you will notice that instead of selecting the whole range it will only select the data[4]
edit1 : it looks like the forum modified the structure of the image.
to get the image i mentioned please download it from the wikipedia page


Yes, there is an issue here. Before you open the Select Range tool with Ctrl+Shift+A, you should make sure that the hex editor has the focus by pressing the Tab key. You should see a flashing cursor in the hex editor before pressing Ctrl+Shift+A. If the Template Results has the focus, then when the Select Range panel is hidden the Template Results gains focus back and this is resetting the selection (just like when you click on the Template Results). We will get this fixed up in a future release so that is doesn’t reset the selection after the Select Range tool is closed. Let us know if you have any questions on this. Cheers!

SweetScape Software

thank you for confirming.
the Tab does the job for now and it’s working as expected.
i hope you get it fixed in the next release.
and thank you for the best hex editor in the industry.